To contact us Click HERE
Before I head over to the Orange County Convention Center to cover the first day of the 2012 AKC/Eukanuba National Championship, I join the millions of people in the US and around the world that grieve over the tragic loss of life yesterday in Connecticut. Any loss of life is tragic, but the death of one so young is bewildering and incomprehensible. I may be a maudlin old man, but as a father and grandfather, my tears are genuine.
I will gather up my gear and go to the dog show this morning because that's the only response to senseless tragedy, keeping moving forward. I don't want to hear the "what ifs" or another debate on gun control. I simply hope that those families that lost their precious children find the support and strength to keep moving forward. As you go about your business today take a moment and grieve with those families, send them your support, and be thankful for the day you have today.
I will enjoy myself today, but I won't be quite as exuberant as usual. I know I don't won't to hear any complaints for those that don't win today. Whatever happens you are here today.
3 Ocak 2013 Perşembe
To contact us Click HERE

We haven’t even said a proper good-bye to 2012, but we arealready looking forward to 2013’s first shows.
It’s hard to beat the Kennel Club of Palm Springs and itslimited breed warm-ups for a place to start the doggy new year. The venue combines all the glitz and glamorof Southern California in one of the US’ most beautiful areas. In addition to the palm trees, mountains, andthe rat pack history, you get a look at some of the most beautiful dogsanywhere. The Desert Empire Terrier Club Of SouthernCalifornia, the Toy Dog Breeders Association Of Southern California, and theSand To Sea Non-Sporting Association Of Southern California will kick it offwith entries of 372, 356, & 369, respectively. They will be joined on Friday by the SouthernCalifornia Sporting Dog Fanciers and the Inland Empire Hound Club Of SouthernCalifornia bringing the total entry to over 2400 in the five groups. This year’s two all breed shows have drawn 6500dogs. Now if you want to play what if games, a dog couldwalk away with over 7000 points to start the season.
If you are going to Palm Springs for the first time, or ifyou have never strayed very far from the Indio polo fields on your past trips,we think you should do a DRIVE BY of the Palm Springs Aerial Tramway, billed asthe world’s largest rotating tramcar. The ten minute rid takes you up the sheer cliffs of Chino Canyon to thetram’s mountain station, 8,516 feet above sea level. Just a half hour from the show grounds onyour way back to your regular life, it’s worth the time Not for those squeamishabout heights and it will be cool in January, but you’ll get a view you willremember a lifetime.
We haven’t eaten there ourselves, but we hear really goodthings about El Mirasol, 140 East Palm Canyon Drive in Palm Springs. One of the things we learned in our 25 yearsin California is that Mexican food can be every bit as complex as our owncountry’s. Put something adventurous inyour DOGGY BAG.
There are other options this first weekend. Columbiana County Kennel Club and theRubber City Kennel Club will team up for three all breedshows in Tallmadge OH. The take won’t beas large as Palm Springs, but the over 3300 points available could make for avery nice beginning. The North Star ToyDog Club, the North Star Working Group Association, and the North Star HerdingGroup Club will open on Friday for the Land O' Lakes Kennel Club’s two allbreed offerings Saturday and Sunday. Wecan’t think of a better excuse to wear your fur coat.
Texas fanciers will head for Glen Rose TX wherethe North Texas Non-Sportinng Association will open fot the Nolan River KennelClub’s two all breed shows. Our three remaining options are thoughtfully arrayed fromNew England to Florida. The Merrimack Valley Kennel Club opens theseason with a weekend in Fitchburg MA, the Clemson Kennel Club will do two inPendleton SC, and the Greater Daytona Dog Fanciers Association will keep youwarm for two days in Deland FL.
Remember, you can get your dog’s photo and win on Dog ShowPoop for free, just become a DSP Contributor and send us in a show report. This week we had to do our own research for aDRIVE BY and DOGGY BAG recommendations. Hopefully, our readers will help us out next week. This is gonna be a great year.

We haven’t even said a proper good-bye to 2012, but we arealready looking forward to 2013’s first shows.
It’s hard to beat the Kennel Club of Palm Springs and itslimited breed warm-ups for a place to start the doggy new year. The venue combines all the glitz and glamorof Southern California in one of the US’ most beautiful areas. In addition to the palm trees, mountains, andthe rat pack history, you get a look at some of the most beautiful dogsanywhere. The Desert Empire Terrier Club Of SouthernCalifornia, the Toy Dog Breeders Association Of Southern California, and theSand To Sea Non-Sporting Association Of Southern California will kick it offwith entries of 372, 356, & 369, respectively. They will be joined on Friday by the SouthernCalifornia Sporting Dog Fanciers and the Inland Empire Hound Club Of SouthernCalifornia bringing the total entry to over 2400 in the five groups. This year’s two all breed shows have drawn 6500dogs. Now if you want to play what if games, a dog couldwalk away with over 7000 points to start the season.
If you are going to Palm Springs for the first time, or ifyou have never strayed very far from the Indio polo fields on your past trips,we think you should do a DRIVE BY of the Palm Springs Aerial Tramway, billed asthe world’s largest rotating tramcar. The ten minute rid takes you up the sheer cliffs of Chino Canyon to thetram’s mountain station, 8,516 feet above sea level. Just a half hour from the show grounds onyour way back to your regular life, it’s worth the time Not for those squeamishabout heights and it will be cool in January, but you’ll get a view you willremember a lifetime.
We haven’t eaten there ourselves, but we hear really goodthings about El Mirasol, 140 East Palm Canyon Drive in Palm Springs. One of the things we learned in our 25 yearsin California is that Mexican food can be every bit as complex as our owncountry’s. Put something adventurous inyour DOGGY BAG.
There are other options this first weekend. Columbiana County Kennel Club and theRubber City Kennel Club will team up for three all breedshows in Tallmadge OH. The take won’t beas large as Palm Springs, but the over 3300 points available could make for avery nice beginning. The North Star ToyDog Club, the North Star Working Group Association, and the North Star HerdingGroup Club will open on Friday for the Land O' Lakes Kennel Club’s two allbreed offerings Saturday and Sunday. Wecan’t think of a better excuse to wear your fur coat.
Texas fanciers will head for Glen Rose TX wherethe North Texas Non-Sportinng Association will open fot the Nolan River KennelClub’s two all breed shows. Our three remaining options are thoughtfully arrayed fromNew England to Florida. The Merrimack Valley Kennel Club opens theseason with a weekend in Fitchburg MA, the Clemson Kennel Club will do two inPendleton SC, and the Greater Daytona Dog Fanciers Association will keep youwarm for two days in Deland FL.
Remember, you can get your dog’s photo and win on Dog ShowPoop for free, just become a DSP Contributor and send us in a show report. This week we had to do our own research for aDRIVE BY and DOGGY BAG recommendations. Hopefully, our readers will help us out next week. This is gonna be a great year.
2 Ocak 2013 Çarşamba
To contact us Click HERE
Before I head over to the Orange County Convention Center to cover the first day of the 2012 AKC/Eukanuba National Championship, I join the millions of people in the US and around the world that grieve over the tragic loss of life yesterday in Connecticut. Any loss of life is tragic, but the death of one so young is bewildering and incomprehensible. I may be a maudlin old man, but as a father and grandfather, my tears are genuine.
I will gather up my gear and go to the dog show this morning because that's the only response to senseless tragedy, keeping moving forward. I don't want to hear the "what ifs" or another debate on gun control. I simply hope that those families that lost their precious children find the support and strength to keep moving forward. As you go about your business today take a moment and grieve with those families, send them your support, and be thankful for the day you have today.
I will enjoy myself today, but I won't be quite as exuberant as usual. I know I don't won't to hear any complaints for those that don't win today. Whatever happens you are here today.
I will gather up my gear and go to the dog show this morning because that's the only response to senseless tragedy, keeping moving forward. I don't want to hear the "what ifs" or another debate on gun control. I simply hope that those families that lost their precious children find the support and strength to keep moving forward. As you go about your business today take a moment and grieve with those families, send them your support, and be thankful for the day you have today.
I will enjoy myself today, but I won't be quite as exuberant as usual. I know I don't won't to hear any complaints for those that don't win today. Whatever happens you are here today.
To contact us Click HERE

We haven’t even said a proper good-bye to 2012, but we arealready looking forward to 2013’s first shows.
It’s hard to beat the Kennel Club of Palm Springs and itslimited breed warm-ups for a place to start the doggy new year. The venue combines all the glitz and glamorof Southern California in one of the US’ most beautiful areas. In addition to the palm trees, mountains, andthe rat pack history, you get a look at some of the most beautiful dogsanywhere. The Desert Empire Terrier Club Of SouthernCalifornia, the Toy Dog Breeders Association Of Southern California, and theSand To Sea Non-Sporting Association Of Southern California will kick it offwith entries of 372, 356, & 369, respectively. They will be joined on Friday by the SouthernCalifornia Sporting Dog Fanciers and the Inland Empire Hound Club Of SouthernCalifornia bringing the total entry to over 2400 in the five groups. This year’s two all breed shows have drawn 6500dogs. Now if you want to play what if games, a dog couldwalk away with over 7000 points to start the season.
If you are going to Palm Springs for the first time, or ifyou have never strayed very far from the Indio polo fields on your past trips,we think you should do a DRIVE BY of the Palm Springs Aerial Tramway, billed asthe world’s largest rotating tramcar. The ten minute rid takes you up the sheer cliffs of Chino Canyon to thetram’s mountain station, 8,516 feet above sea level. Just a half hour from the show grounds onyour way back to your regular life, it’s worth the time Not for those squeamishabout heights and it will be cool in January, but you’ll get a view you willremember a lifetime.
We haven’t eaten there ourselves, but we hear really goodthings about El Mirasol, 140 East Palm Canyon Drive in Palm Springs. One of the things we learned in our 25 yearsin California is that Mexican food can be every bit as complex as our owncountry’s. Put something adventurous inyour DOGGY BAG.
There are other options this first weekend. Columbiana County Kennel Club and theRubber City Kennel Club will team up for three all breedshows in Tallmadge OH. The take won’t beas large as Palm Springs, but the over 3300 points available could make for avery nice beginning. The North Star ToyDog Club, the North Star Working Group Association, and the North Star HerdingGroup Club will open on Friday for the Land O' Lakes Kennel Club’s two allbreed offerings Saturday and Sunday. Wecan’t think of a better excuse to wear your fur coat.
Texas fanciers will head for Glen Rose TX wherethe North Texas Non-Sportinng Association will open fot the Nolan River KennelClub’s two all breed shows. Our three remaining options are thoughtfully arrayed fromNew England to Florida. The Merrimack Valley Kennel Club opens theseason with a weekend in Fitchburg MA, the Clemson Kennel Club will do two inPendleton SC, and the Greater Daytona Dog Fanciers Association will keep youwarm for two days in Deland FL.
Remember, you can get your dog’s photo and win on Dog ShowPoop for free, just become a DSP Contributor and send us in a show report. This week we had to do our own research for aDRIVE BY and DOGGY BAG recommendations. Hopefully, our readers will help us out next week. This is gonna be a great year.

We haven’t even said a proper good-bye to 2012, but we arealready looking forward to 2013’s first shows.
It’s hard to beat the Kennel Club of Palm Springs and itslimited breed warm-ups for a place to start the doggy new year. The venue combines all the glitz and glamorof Southern California in one of the US’ most beautiful areas. In addition to the palm trees, mountains, andthe rat pack history, you get a look at some of the most beautiful dogsanywhere. The Desert Empire Terrier Club Of SouthernCalifornia, the Toy Dog Breeders Association Of Southern California, and theSand To Sea Non-Sporting Association Of Southern California will kick it offwith entries of 372, 356, & 369, respectively. They will be joined on Friday by the SouthernCalifornia Sporting Dog Fanciers and the Inland Empire Hound Club Of SouthernCalifornia bringing the total entry to over 2400 in the five groups. This year’s two all breed shows have drawn 6500dogs. Now if you want to play what if games, a dog couldwalk away with over 7000 points to start the season.
If you are going to Palm Springs for the first time, or ifyou have never strayed very far from the Indio polo fields on your past trips,we think you should do a DRIVE BY of the Palm Springs Aerial Tramway, billed asthe world’s largest rotating tramcar. The ten minute rid takes you up the sheer cliffs of Chino Canyon to thetram’s mountain station, 8,516 feet above sea level. Just a half hour from the show grounds onyour way back to your regular life, it’s worth the time Not for those squeamishabout heights and it will be cool in January, but you’ll get a view you willremember a lifetime.
We haven’t eaten there ourselves, but we hear really goodthings about El Mirasol, 140 East Palm Canyon Drive in Palm Springs. One of the things we learned in our 25 yearsin California is that Mexican food can be every bit as complex as our owncountry’s. Put something adventurous inyour DOGGY BAG.
There are other options this first weekend. Columbiana County Kennel Club and theRubber City Kennel Club will team up for three all breedshows in Tallmadge OH. The take won’t beas large as Palm Springs, but the over 3300 points available could make for avery nice beginning. The North Star ToyDog Club, the North Star Working Group Association, and the North Star HerdingGroup Club will open on Friday for the Land O' Lakes Kennel Club’s two allbreed offerings Saturday and Sunday. Wecan’t think of a better excuse to wear your fur coat.
Texas fanciers will head for Glen Rose TX wherethe North Texas Non-Sportinng Association will open fot the Nolan River KennelClub’s two all breed shows. Our three remaining options are thoughtfully arrayed fromNew England to Florida. The Merrimack Valley Kennel Club opens theseason with a weekend in Fitchburg MA, the Clemson Kennel Club will do two inPendleton SC, and the Greater Daytona Dog Fanciers Association will keep youwarm for two days in Deland FL.
Remember, you can get your dog’s photo and win on Dog ShowPoop for free, just become a DSP Contributor and send us in a show report. This week we had to do our own research for aDRIVE BY and DOGGY BAG recommendations. Hopefully, our readers will help us out next week. This is gonna be a great year.
To contact us Click HERE
GCH CH Aristes Paint It Black
Among the items we missed last year was the 2012 NationalSpecialty of the Black Russian Terrier Club of America (BRTCA), which was heldin Tucson AZ in November. Jean Fournier’sBest In specialty Show was GCH CH Aristes Paint It Black. Also receiving top awards were the Best of OppositeSex, CH Sora's Legacy Diva At Aristes, the Winners Dog/Best of Winners, SnowlineColby Iz Petrovich Noirstar Cervenaholka, and the Winners Bitch, Over The MoonAbout Nagyka.
Mikk is just beginning his show career. We think that aNational Specialty win is quite a good beginning. Congratulations to breeders Cindi Stumm,Fritz Dilsaver, & Gayle Warren, owners Donna Poulson, Cindi Stumm, & FritzDilsaver, and handler Jorge Olivera.

Among the items we missed last year was the 2012 NationalSpecialty of the Black Russian Terrier Club of America (BRTCA), which was heldin Tucson AZ in November. Jean Fournier’sBest In specialty Show was GCH CH Aristes Paint It Black. Also receiving top awards were the Best of OppositeSex, CH Sora's Legacy Diva At Aristes, the Winners Dog/Best of Winners, SnowlineColby Iz Petrovich Noirstar Cervenaholka, and the Winners Bitch, Over The MoonAbout Nagyka.
Mikk is just beginning his show career. We think that aNational Specialty win is quite a good beginning. Congratulations to breeders Cindi Stumm,Fritz Dilsaver, & Gayle Warren, owners Donna Poulson, Cindi Stumm, & FritzDilsaver, and handler Jorge Olivera.
1 Ocak 2013 Salı
To contact us Click HERE
GCH CH Kiarry's Panodora's Box
(Photo by Kayla Bertagnolli courtesy of Best In Show Daily)
Although the Number One and Number Two Dogs All Breeds leftFlorida to try their hands in Cleveland OH today, there was still plenty ofstar power left here in Orlando to compete for the 2,580 points available atthe Brevard Kennel Club show.
RaymondFilburn Jr’s final included the winningest Sporting Dog of all time, the BlackCocker Spaniel, GCH CH Casablanca’s Thrilling Seduction, the Number Three,Four, Five, Eight, & Ten Dog All Breeds, the Doberman Pinscher, GCH CHProtocol’s Veni Vidi Vici, the Wire Fox Terrier, GCH CH AfterAll Painting the Sky, the Affenpinscher, BananaJoe V Tani Kazari, the Standard Poodle, GCH CH Jaset’s Satisfaction, and theAmerican Foxhound, GCH CH Kiarry’s Pandora’s Box. Rounding out the stellar seven was the Number OneHerding Dog, the German Shepherd Dog, GCH CH Babheim’s Captain Crunch.
GCH CH Baheim's Captain Crunch
(Photo by Kayla Bertagnolli courtesy of Best In Show Daily)
Reserve went to the GSD, Capi, and BIS went to the Foxhound,Jewel. The big win elevates Jewel’s BISrecord year to 32.

(Photo by Kayla Bertagnolli courtesy of Best In Show Daily)
Although the Number One and Number Two Dogs All Breeds leftFlorida to try their hands in Cleveland OH today, there was still plenty ofstar power left here in Orlando to compete for the 2,580 points available atthe Brevard Kennel Club show.
RaymondFilburn Jr’s final included the winningest Sporting Dog of all time, the BlackCocker Spaniel, GCH CH Casablanca’s Thrilling Seduction, the Number Three,Four, Five, Eight, & Ten Dog All Breeds, the Doberman Pinscher, GCH CHProtocol’s Veni Vidi Vici, the Wire Fox Terrier, GCH CH AfterAll Painting the Sky, the Affenpinscher, BananaJoe V Tani Kazari, the Standard Poodle, GCH CH Jaset’s Satisfaction, and theAmerican Foxhound, GCH CH Kiarry’s Pandora’s Box. Rounding out the stellar seven was the Number OneHerding Dog, the German Shepherd Dog, GCH CH Babheim’s Captain Crunch.

(Photo by Kayla Bertagnolli courtesy of Best In Show Daily)
Reserve went to the GSD, Capi, and BIS went to the Foxhound,Jewel. The big win elevates Jewel’s BISrecord year to 32.
To contact us Click HERE
GCH CH Downhome Hitech Innovator (Photo by Kayla Bertagnolli courtesy of Best In Show Daily)
The Number One Dog All Breeds, the German WirehairedPointer, GCH CH Mt View’s Ripsnorter Silver Charm, and the Number Two Dog, the EnglishSpringer Spaniel, GCH CH Wynmoor Champagne Supernova, quit Orlando FL andheaded for Cleveland OH to compete at today’s Richland Kennel Club Show. The met again in Betty-Anne Stenmark’sSporting Group where they finished one/two, with the Springer, Peyton advancingto Dr Ronald Spritzer’s BIS final.
GCH CH Wynmoor Champagne Supernova (Photo by Kayla Bertagnolli courtesy of Best In Show Daily)
Joining Peyton in the final ring were the Harrier, GCH CHDownhome Hitech Innovator, the St Bernard, GCH CH Jamelle’s Aristocrat V Elba,the Russell Terrier, GCH CH Goldsands Columbus, the Maltese, GCH CH Scylla’sSmall Kraft Re-Lit, the Chinese Shar-Pei, GCH CH Shine’s Deck the Halls, andthe Pyrenean Shepherd, GCH CH La Brise Sun Bear.
Reserve went to the Springer, Peyton, and the Best In Showwent to the Harrier, Chet. Chet’s 26thBIS of the year puts him right on the heels of the Number Ten Dog All Breeds.

The Number One Dog All Breeds, the German WirehairedPointer, GCH CH Mt View’s Ripsnorter Silver Charm, and the Number Two Dog, the EnglishSpringer Spaniel, GCH CH Wynmoor Champagne Supernova, quit Orlando FL andheaded for Cleveland OH to compete at today’s Richland Kennel Club Show. The met again in Betty-Anne Stenmark’sSporting Group where they finished one/two, with the Springer, Peyton advancingto Dr Ronald Spritzer’s BIS final.

Joining Peyton in the final ring were the Harrier, GCH CHDownhome Hitech Innovator, the St Bernard, GCH CH Jamelle’s Aristocrat V Elba,the Russell Terrier, GCH CH Goldsands Columbus, the Maltese, GCH CH Scylla’sSmall Kraft Re-Lit, the Chinese Shar-Pei, GCH CH Shine’s Deck the Halls, andthe Pyrenean Shepherd, GCH CH La Brise Sun Bear.
Reserve went to the Springer, Peyton, and the Best In Showwent to the Harrier, Chet. Chet’s 26thBIS of the year puts him right on the heels of the Number Ten Dog All Breeds.
To contact us Click HERE
GCH CH Wynmoor Champagne Supernova(Photo by Lights, Camera,Canine)
The race for Number One Dog All Breeds is going down to thelast show of the season as the current Number One & Two Dogs met again todayin Cleveland OH at today's Medina Kennel Club show. The German WirehairedPointer, GCH CH Mt View’s Ripsnorter Silver Charm, and the English Springer Spaniel,GCH CH Wynmoor Champagne Supernova, faced off in Robert Slay’s Sporting Groupat the Medina Kennel Club show, and took the top two placements with theSpringer, Peyton advancing to Betty-Anne Stenmark’s BIS final.
GCH CH Goldsand’s Columbus
Joining Peyton and handler Robin Novack were the Harrier,GCH CH Downhome Hitech Innovator, the Newfoundland, GCH CH Roseland’s RoyalFlush, the Russell Terrier, GCH CH Goldsand’s Columbus, the Maltese, GCH CHScylla’s Small Kraft Re-Lit, the Standard Poodle, CH Hillwood Dassin Rock OnBy, and the Icelandic Sheepdog, CH Vinlands Leifur.
The only Russell Terrier, Bosse, to win a BIS added an RBIS to hisresume, while the Springer, Peyton, grabbed a must have BIS. We don’t have the exact numbers tonight, butwe estimate that Peyton now trails the GWP, Oakley, by about 1500 points, whichmeans it is still too early to declare a Number One Dog for 2012, two daysbefore the end of the season. We couldn’thave asked for a more exciting year.

The race for Number One Dog All Breeds is going down to thelast show of the season as the current Number One & Two Dogs met again todayin Cleveland OH at today's Medina Kennel Club show. The German WirehairedPointer, GCH CH Mt View’s Ripsnorter Silver Charm, and the English Springer Spaniel,GCH CH Wynmoor Champagne Supernova, faced off in Robert Slay’s Sporting Groupat the Medina Kennel Club show, and took the top two placements with theSpringer, Peyton advancing to Betty-Anne Stenmark’s BIS final.
Joining Peyton and handler Robin Novack were the Harrier,GCH CH Downhome Hitech Innovator, the Newfoundland, GCH CH Roseland’s RoyalFlush, the Russell Terrier, GCH CH Goldsand’s Columbus, the Maltese, GCH CHScylla’s Small Kraft Re-Lit, the Standard Poodle, CH Hillwood Dassin Rock OnBy, and the Icelandic Sheepdog, CH Vinlands Leifur.
The only Russell Terrier, Bosse, to win a BIS added an RBIS to hisresume, while the Springer, Peyton, grabbed a must have BIS. We don’t have the exact numbers tonight, butwe estimate that Peyton now trails the GWP, Oakley, by about 1500 points, whichmeans it is still too early to declare a Number One Dog for 2012, two daysbefore the end of the season. We couldn’thave asked for a more exciting year.
To contact us Click HERE
Before I head over to the Orange County Convention Center to cover the first day of the 2012 AKC/Eukanuba National Championship, I join the millions of people in the US and around the world that grieve over the tragic loss of life yesterday in Connecticut. Any loss of life is tragic, but the death of one so young is bewildering and incomprehensible. I may be a maudlin old man, but as a father and grandfather, my tears are genuine.
I will gather up my gear and go to the dog show this morning because that's the only response to senseless tragedy, keeping moving forward. I don't want to hear the "what ifs" or another debate on gun control. I simply hope that those families that lost their precious children find the support and strength to keep moving forward. As you go about your business today take a moment and grieve with those families, send them your support, and be thankful for the day you have today.
I will enjoy myself today, but I won't be quite as exuberant as usual. I know I don't won't to hear any complaints for those that don't win today. Whatever happens you are here today.
I will gather up my gear and go to the dog show this morning because that's the only response to senseless tragedy, keeping moving forward. I don't want to hear the "what ifs" or another debate on gun control. I simply hope that those families that lost their precious children find the support and strength to keep moving forward. As you go about your business today take a moment and grieve with those families, send them your support, and be thankful for the day you have today.
I will enjoy myself today, but I won't be quite as exuberant as usual. I know I don't won't to hear any complaints for those that don't win today. Whatever happens you are here today.
To contact us Click HERE

We haven’t even said a proper good-bye to 2012, but we arealready looking forward to 2013’s first shows.
It’s hard to beat the Kennel Club of Palm Springs and itslimited breed warm-ups for a place to start the doggy new year. The venue combines all the glitz and glamorof Southern California in one of the US’ most beautiful areas. In addition to the palm trees, mountains, andthe rat pack history, you get a look at some of the most beautiful dogsanywhere. The Desert Empire Terrier Club Of SouthernCalifornia, the Toy Dog Breeders Association Of Southern California, and theSand To Sea Non-Sporting Association Of Southern California will kick it offwith entries of 372, 356, & 369, respectively. They will be joined on Friday by the SouthernCalifornia Sporting Dog Fanciers and the Inland Empire Hound Club Of SouthernCalifornia bringing the total entry to over 2400 in the five groups. This year’s two all breed shows have drawn 6500dogs. Now if you want to play what if games, a dog couldwalk away with over 7000 points to start the season.
If you are going to Palm Springs for the first time, or ifyou have never strayed very far from the Indio polo fields on your past trips,we think you should do a DRIVE BY of the Palm Springs Aerial Tramway, billed asthe world’s largest rotating tramcar. The ten minute rid takes you up the sheer cliffs of Chino Canyon to thetram’s mountain station, 8,516 feet above sea level. Just a half hour from the show grounds onyour way back to your regular life, it’s worth the time Not for those squeamishabout heights and it will be cool in January, but you’ll get a view you willremember a lifetime.
We haven’t eaten there ourselves, but we hear really goodthings about El Mirasol, 140 East Palm Canyon Drive in Palm Springs. One of the things we learned in our 25 yearsin California is that Mexican food can be every bit as complex as our owncountry’s. Put something adventurous inyour DOGGY BAG.
There are other options this first weekend. Columbiana County Kennel Club and theRubber City Kennel Club will team up for three all breedshows in Tallmadge OH. The take won’t beas large as Palm Springs, but the over 3300 points available could make for avery nice beginning. The North Star ToyDog Club, the North Star Working Group Association, and the North Star HerdingGroup Club will open on Friday for the Land O' Lakes Kennel Club’s two allbreed offerings Saturday and Sunday. Wecan’t think of a better excuse to wear your fur coat.
Texas fanciers will head for Glen Rose TX wherethe North Texas Non-Sportinng Association will open fot the Nolan River KennelClub’s two all breed shows. Our three remaining options are thoughtfully arrayed fromNew England to Florida. The Merrimack Valley Kennel Club opens theseason with a weekend in Fitchburg MA, the Clemson Kennel Club will do two inPendleton SC, and the Greater Daytona Dog Fanciers Association will keep youwarm for two days in Deland FL.
Remember, you can get your dog’s photo and win on Dog ShowPoop for free, just become a DSP Contributor and send us in a show report. This week we had to do our own research for aDRIVE BY and DOGGY BAG recommendations. Hopefully, our readers will help us out next week. This is gonna be a great year.

We haven’t even said a proper good-bye to 2012, but we arealready looking forward to 2013’s first shows.
It’s hard to beat the Kennel Club of Palm Springs and itslimited breed warm-ups for a place to start the doggy new year. The venue combines all the glitz and glamorof Southern California in one of the US’ most beautiful areas. In addition to the palm trees, mountains, andthe rat pack history, you get a look at some of the most beautiful dogsanywhere. The Desert Empire Terrier Club Of SouthernCalifornia, the Toy Dog Breeders Association Of Southern California, and theSand To Sea Non-Sporting Association Of Southern California will kick it offwith entries of 372, 356, & 369, respectively. They will be joined on Friday by the SouthernCalifornia Sporting Dog Fanciers and the Inland Empire Hound Club Of SouthernCalifornia bringing the total entry to over 2400 in the five groups. This year’s two all breed shows have drawn 6500dogs. Now if you want to play what if games, a dog couldwalk away with over 7000 points to start the season.
If you are going to Palm Springs for the first time, or ifyou have never strayed very far from the Indio polo fields on your past trips,we think you should do a DRIVE BY of the Palm Springs Aerial Tramway, billed asthe world’s largest rotating tramcar. The ten minute rid takes you up the sheer cliffs of Chino Canyon to thetram’s mountain station, 8,516 feet above sea level. Just a half hour from the show grounds onyour way back to your regular life, it’s worth the time Not for those squeamishabout heights and it will be cool in January, but you’ll get a view you willremember a lifetime.
We haven’t eaten there ourselves, but we hear really goodthings about El Mirasol, 140 East Palm Canyon Drive in Palm Springs. One of the things we learned in our 25 yearsin California is that Mexican food can be every bit as complex as our owncountry’s. Put something adventurous inyour DOGGY BAG.
There are other options this first weekend. Columbiana County Kennel Club and theRubber City Kennel Club will team up for three all breedshows in Tallmadge OH. The take won’t beas large as Palm Springs, but the over 3300 points available could make for avery nice beginning. The North Star ToyDog Club, the North Star Working Group Association, and the North Star HerdingGroup Club will open on Friday for the Land O' Lakes Kennel Club’s two allbreed offerings Saturday and Sunday. Wecan’t think of a better excuse to wear your fur coat.
Texas fanciers will head for Glen Rose TX wherethe North Texas Non-Sportinng Association will open fot the Nolan River KennelClub’s two all breed shows. Our three remaining options are thoughtfully arrayed fromNew England to Florida. The Merrimack Valley Kennel Club opens theseason with a weekend in Fitchburg MA, the Clemson Kennel Club will do two inPendleton SC, and the Greater Daytona Dog Fanciers Association will keep youwarm for two days in Deland FL.
Remember, you can get your dog’s photo and win on Dog ShowPoop for free, just become a DSP Contributor and send us in a show report. This week we had to do our own research for aDRIVE BY and DOGGY BAG recommendations. Hopefully, our readers will help us out next week. This is gonna be a great year.
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