Our last report from the pastweekend comes in from Philpott KY and the Owensboro’s River City Kennel Club. The Whippet, GCH CH Bo-Bett Speed Demon,dominated the set, taking home both the BIS.

On Saturday Demon and handlerJustin Smithey, impressed judge Raymond V Filburn Jr more than the EnglishSetter, GCH CH Aerden's Pretty In Pink JH, the RBIS, the Bullmastiff, CH DalPrimo Magic Moment, the Staffordshire Bull Terrier, MiRos Secret Agent OfJetstaff, the Pug, GCH CH House Poory JP Yum-yum Zerohour, the Chow Chow, GCH CHImagine Loves Second Chance, and the Polish Lowland Sheepdog, Swancrest ThePower Of Love Eternal.

Sunday Toddie Clark chose Demonover the above named StaffyBull Pug, & PON, the Brittany, GCH CH MelridgeStir N It Up, the Reserve winner, the Doberman Pinscher, GCH CH Protocol’s VeniVidi Vici, and the Bichon Frise, GCH CH Glenleigh Gang's 'N Roses.
Demon is the Number One Whippetdog in the US now with four BIS in 20 final appearances, with three of those BIS coming in the last two weeks.
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