If you were seeking all breed action this weekend in NewEngland you were in Essex Junction VT for the Champlain Valley Kennel Club’stwo shows. Joe Walton had Saturday’sfinal and his choice of the Irish Water Spaniel, GCH CH Whistlestop's Riley OnFire, the Harrier, GCH CH Hitech Innovator, the Greater Swiss Mountain Dog, GCHCH Painted Mtn Oliver Twist Of Fate, the Bedlington Terrier, GCH CH NoticeNorthern Lights, the Long Coat Chihuahua, GCH CH Roseland Eli, the FrenchBulldog, GCH CH Bella Ridge Imperiale Shady Harbor Mafia Campcovo, and the OldEnglish Sheepdog, GCH CH Windfall Slam Dunk.

His RBIS was the multi-BIS winning Irish Water Spaniel,Riley, and his BIS was the French Bulldog, Mafia. It was the first BIS in 13 final appearancesthis year for Mafia. Congratulations to breeder/ownerLorene Schettino, co- breeders Dr David & Jill Neidig, Juanita &Vincent Imperiale, & Vincent Schettino, and owners Billy Covalucci, JillNeidig & Lorene Schettino.

Six of Saturday’s finalists would return to try their luckagain, this time with judge Pluis Davern, with the lone newcomer being the CaneCorso, GCH CH Liberty’s Armed and Dangerous. The two that got lucky were her Reserve theChihuahua, Eli, and her Best In Show,the IWS, Riley. Riley is the Number oneIrish Water Spaniel with seven BIS and 27 Sporting Groups.
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