Dr Klaus Anselm had thefinal at the day two show of the Warrenton Kennel Club in Millwood VA. The seven trying to get his attention werethe Golden Retriever, GCH CH Summit’s Emery It’s In The Bag, the AmericanFoxhound, GCH CH Kerry’s Pandora’s Box, the Greater Swiss Mountain Dog, GCH CHPainted Mtn Oliver Twist Of Fate, the Scottish Terrier, GCH CH LomondviewClementina, the Affenpinscher, GCH CH Banana Joe V Tani Kazari, the MiniaturePoodle, GCH CH Surrey Sugar Baby, and the Puli, GCH CH Cordmaker’s RumpusBumpus.
TheFoxhound, Jewel, followed yesterday’s BIS performance with a RBIS today. Today’s BIS was the Puli, Ziggy. Ziggy is the nation’s Number One Puli and theNumber Seven Herding Dog, with five BIS and 37 Herding Groups.
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