Jan Paulk had the final final in Lubbock TX where the energetic Heartof the Plains Kennel Club gave us three shows this weekend. Her Sunday survivors were the Brittany, GCHCH Dual Lane's Cam JH, the Basenji, CH Ahmahr Nahr's Lost Angel Gabriel, the Kuvasz,GCH CH Szumeria’s Wildwood Silver Six Pence, the Scottish Terrier, CH KingsviewJust Ebony, the Miniature Pinscher, GCH CH Brackley My Amazing Warrior, theKeeshond, Ruttkay Chance, and the Smooth Collie, GCH CH Travelers Pierce Arrow.

Packing upthe RBIS was the MinPin while the Kuvasz, Tanner, walked away with theBIS. Tanner, the Number Seven Dog AllBreeds, has been in the Top Ten Dog All Breeds since the first weekend of theyear and now has 16 BIS this year, four in the month of September alone. Tanner and handler Diana Wilson know how toturn up the volume at the right time.
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