There was another set ofshows in New York this past week. Thesecond was one of those split venue clusters so popular in the Northeast. Sunday’s Westbury Kennel Association show wasin Oyster Bay NY with Donald Sturz Jr in the final ring.
The seven he saw were the German ShorthairedPointer, GCH CH Skypoint's Our River Runs Free, the Whippet, GCH CH SportingFields Bahama Sands, the Akita, GCH CH Sondaisa Tough Act To Follow Stardust,the Lakeland Terrier, GCH CH Larkspur Acadia Save Me A Spot, the Papillon, CHBetlen Riegel Blessed Is The Reign, the Bichon Frise, CH Saks Winning Card, andthe Border Collie, GCH CH Sporting Field Heiress HSAs.

Finishing one/two were the Whippet, Tawny, and theLakeland, Spot. Tawny is the nation’sNumber One Whippet and Number Six Hound with nine BIS and 48 Hound Groups.
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