As we told you below, some of our top dogs are in ClevelandOH hoping to grab the last of the points of the year. The final at the day two show of the RichlandKennel Club was called by Kimberly Meredith-Cavanna who chose her top two from theEnglish Springer Spaniel, GCH CH Wynmoor Champagne Supernova, the Harrier, GCHCH Downhome Hitech Innovator, the Doberman Pinscher, GCH CH Protocol’s VeniVidi Vici, the Russell Terrier, GCH CH Goldsands Columbus, the Shih Tzu, GCH CHHallmark Jolei Bells Will Be Ringing, the Keeshond, GCH CH Ruttkay Chance, andthe German Shepherd Dog, CH Grey Pines’ Christie.

Reserve went to theSpringer, Peyton, and Best In Show went to the Doberman Pinscher, FiFi. FiFi’s 46th BIS of the year assuresshe will finish the year as the Number Three Dog All Breeds.
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