Before we get into this weekend’s show reports, we have onemore form last weekend for you. TheKankakee River Valley Kennel Club were in Kankakee IL (60 miles due south ofChicago) last weekend. Their day onefinal was in the hands of Ralph Lemcke. The seven that sought his approval were the English Setter, GCH CHAerden’s Pretty in Pink JH, the Rhodesian Ridgeback, GCH CH Tajamani Kwetu'sRust Too, the Mastiff, CH Millennium Moonshine, the Smooth Fox Terrier, GCH CH HighMtn Everso In Command, the Havanese, CH Marcosa's Slip Slidin' Away Of SK, theStandard Poodle, GCH CH Jaset’s Satisfaction, and the Cardigan Welsh Corgi, CH KosmarStriking Back Of Bridgelady.

Walking away with the top awards were the Setter, Kiki, withthe Reserve, and the Smooth Fox, Cameron, with the Best In Show. It’s the first for Cameron in eight final appearancesthis year and follows an Reserve win just last weekend. Congratulations to breeder/owner Carolyn Snavely, co-breederStefanie Perrine,Richard Snavely, and handler Doug Carlson.

Steve Hayden had the closer and his choice of the ChesapeakeBay Retriever, GCH CH Mud Creek RedMoose, the above named Rhodesian, the Giant Schnauzer, CH Nightline Viking AtTanglewood, the Border Terrier, GCH CH Meadowlake Simply Sinful, the Papillon,GCH CH Wingssong Rock Star, the French Bulldog, Carousel Thriller, and theRough Collie, GCH CH Wyndlair Cherokee Vindication.
Judge Hayden went with the smallest and largest among them, hisRBIS, the Papillon, and His BIS, the Giant. It’s the first BIS for Thor and breeder/owner/handler Ed Fojtk. Congratulations to Ed, co-breeder Deborah Wiebe, and owners Chris &Jean Erath.
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