Costa Mesa CA was the only place you could see an AKC allbreed dog show in the US Monday and our top dogs took full advantage of theopportunity. The Number One Dog AllBreeds, the German Wirehaired Pointer, GCH CH Mt View’s Ripsnorter SilverCharm, and the Number Two Dog, the English Springer Spaniel, GCH CH WynmoorChampagne Supernova, met in Brian Meyer’s Sporting Group and as they have somany times this fall, finished one/two with the Springer, Peyton advancing toCindy Meyer’s BIS ring.

There Peyton and handler Robin Novack plead their case alongsidethe Bloodhound, GCH CH Quiet Creeks Kiss and Tell, the Samoyed, GCH CH Glacier’sN Rowdy’s Czargent Trouble, the Wire Fox Terrier, GCH CH AfterAll Painting theSky, the Maltese, GCH CH Scylla’s Small Kraft Re-Lit, the French Bulldog, GCHCH LeBull’s New Hope Wooly Bully, and the Pembroke Welsh Corgi, GCH CH CoventryAllure at Wyndstar.
Peyton would take home the Reserve win and the Wire Fox Sky,would pick up her third BIS of the four day set. Sky and handler Gabriel Rangel go into thelast week of the year with possibly the best batting average of the year,winning better than 92 percent of thegroups she has entered. Meanwhile theTop two dogs are still basically 2700 points apart. We will keep you updated as the numbers comein.
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