The Harrier is among AKC’s rarest breeds, but this yearfanciers have seen a lot of one Harrier, GCH CH Downhome Hitech Innovator. Chet and handler Suzy Olivera have crisscrossedthe US since winning the Hound group at last year’s AKC/Eukanuba NationalChampionship, winning 25 BIS and a remarkable 97 Hound groups. The latest BIS came at the Greater ClarkCounty Kennel Club shows in Ridgefield WA this weekend, where Chet followed aBIS in Illinois on Thursday with BACK2BACK BIS on Saturday and Sunday.
On Saturday, BIS judge Chuck Winslow picked Chet out of aseven that included the Irish Setter, GCH CH Mi Jeans Reason To Believe, the SiberianHusky, GCH CH Karnovandas Tenzing, the American Staffordshire Terrier, GCH CH AlpinesRing Of Fire, the RBIS, the Pomeranian, GCH CH CR Chase What Matters, theKeeshond, GCH CH Ruttkay Chance, and the Cardigan Welsh Corgi, GCH CH Mariel’sHarvest Moon.

Sunday the Pom, Chase, would take another Reserve behindChet while the Irish Water Spaniel, GCCH CH Whistlestop’s Fire and Ice, the StandardSchnauzer, GCH CH Charisma Maxim Von Diable, the above named AmStaff &Keeshond, and the Belgian Tervuren, GCH CH Sky Acres Flyin Solo, tried to catchthe eye of BIS judge Adrian Woodfork.
Chet is trailing the Number One Hound by a little less than4000 points and is just over 3000 points behind the Number Ten Dog All Breeds,both pretty nice titles to end the year with. We did tell you there are 13,230 points up for grabs in Orlando, didn’twe?
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