Yesterday’s Starved Rock Kennel Club show in Wheaton IL wasthe only all breed show in the US Thursday and as such it drew several of thenation’s top dogs looking for a few extra points. The Number One & Number Two Dogs AllBreeds, the German Wirehaired Pointer, GCH CH Mt View’s Ripsnorter Silver Charm,and the English Springer Spaniel, GCH CH Wynmoor Champagne Supernova, finished two/one in Christinna Hubbell’s Sporting Group,with the Springer, Peyton, getting a pass to Michele Billings’ final.

Peyton was joined in the BIS ring by the Harrier, GCH CH Downhome Hitech Innovator, AKC’s NumberSeven Dog All Breeds, the Kuvasz, Szumeria’s Wildwood Silver Six Pence, theSmooth Fox Terrier, GCH CH J’Cobe Broxden Danea, the Shi Tzu, GCH CH HallmarkJolei Bells Will Be Ringing, the Bulldog, GCH CH Accolades Spencer, and the OldEnglish Sheepdog, GCH CH Lambluv Gambolon Blue Thunder.
Reserve would go to a dog not among AKC’s Top 100 (not yet),the Smooth Fox, Nea, and Best In Show went to America’s Number Two Hound, theHarrier, Chet. Chet was last year’sHound Group winner at the AKC/Eukanuba National Championship and leads allhounds in Hound Groups win this year with 95.
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