Our first results for the week are in from Savannah GA wherethe hometown Savannah Kennel Club opened a four day set. Both our Number One and Two Dogs All Breeds, theGerman Wirehaired Pointer, GCH CH Mt View’s Ripsnorter Silver Charm, and theEnglish Springer Spaniel, GCH CH Wynmoor Champagne Supernova, made it as far as Houston Clark’s SportingGroup, but only one can advance and it was the GWP, Oakley.

Houston Clark also had the BIS book and his pick of Oakley, theAfghan Hound, GCH CH Tells Matrix Reloaded, the Boxer, CH Hi-Tech The King OfSherry Shoot Jp, the Scottish Terrier, GCH CH Lomondview Clementina, theAffenpinscher, GCH CH Banana Joe V Tani Kazari, the Keeshond, GCH CH Tumpet’sIt’s Good To Be King, and the Puli, GCH CH Cordmaker Rumpus Bumpus.
Day one went to Oakley hwil the Reserve fell to the Scottie,Phoebe. Oakley now has 69 BIS and hasadvanced his lead over the Springer, Peyton, to about 2300 points.
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