It was a watershed year for the Westminster Kennel Clubshow. Capitalizing on both the new andthe old, the WKC pulled off one of the most successful shows in years. The return to the inclusion of class dogs inthe show resulted in one of the most dramatic moments in Westminsterhistory. The move to a two venue eventcame off brilliantly with a modicum of inconvenience.
We couldn’t help but think of Charles Dickens as the 137thWestminster Kennel Club show came to an end. We had seen ghosts from WestminsterS past asthe 2011 Terrier Group winner, the Smooth Fox Terrier, GCH CH Slyfox Sneaks a Peek,made a surprise appearance, handing the 2013 Number One Dog All Breeds, theWire Fox Terrier, GCH CH AfterAll Painting the Sky, her first Group loss in 19appearances this year. We also saw the2012 Number One Dog all Breeds, the German Wirehaired Pointer, GCH CH Mt View’sRipsnorter Silver Charm, win the Sporting Group despite a strong challenge fromthe 2011 Number One Dog the Black Cocker Spaniel, GCH CH Casablanca’s ThrillingSeduction.

Additional ghosts from Westminster present included 2012 TopTen Dogs, the American Foxhound, GCH CH Kiarry’s Pandora’s Box, theAffenpinscher, GCH CH Banana Joe V Tani Kazari, and 2012’s Number FiveNon-Sporting Dog, the Bichon Frise, GCH CH Vogelflight’s “Honor” toPillowtalk. Ghosts from Westminsterfuture were the sensational Portuguese Water Dog, GCH CH Claircreek ImpressionDe Matisse, and the clear crowd favorite, the Old English Sheepdog, Bugaboo’sPicture Perfect. The Portie, Matisse, enteredthe fray late in 2012, but finished strong with one BIS and six Working Groups. However, it was the OES, Swagger, that caughteverybody off guard. For the first timesince 1991 class dogs were participating at Westminster. Swagger came out of the Bred By Exhibitorclass to take the breed over 16 titled dogs, including at least two BIS winners.
Judge Michael Dougherty stated that each of his seven dogsdeserved a Best In Show rosette, but he only had two awards to give. He gave the first ever Westminster KennelClub Reserve Best In Show Rosette to the Ghost of Westminsters Future, the OES,Swagger, breeder/owner handled by Colton Johnson. The Best In Show trophy went to a Ghost ofWestminsters present, the Affenpinscher, Joey.
The Dutch native, Joey, has been here in the USA these lastthree years winning 85 BIS, including 37 just last year. The Westminster title is his first of 2013. It was also the first Westminster title forsuperstar handler, Ernesto Lara. Ourcongratulations to Ernesto, breeder/owner Mieke Cooymans, and Zoila Truesdale.
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