More than 2200 dogs gathered in Denver CO for the day twoshow of the Plum Creek Kennel Club of Colorado, including many of theWestminster winners. Donna Francis’super seven including the Westminster Sporting Group Four, the Clumber Spaniel,GCH CH Clussexx Collaboration With Traddles, the Westminster Hound Group Two,the Basset Hound, GCH CH Topsfield-Sanchu Eenie Meenie Miney Moe, the Westminster Working Group Four, theRottweiler, GCH CH Chancellor Flirt's High Flyin' Gladiator, the WestminsterTerrier Group Two, the Wire Fox Terrier, GCH CH AfterAll Painting the Sky, theMaltese, GCH CH Scylla Small Kraft Re-Lit, the Chow Chow, GCH CH Dreamland'sWanna Be A Billionaire, and the Cardigan Welsh Corgi, GCH CH Aubrey’s Tails ofMystery.

Judge Francis went for the two low riders, the Cardigan,Libby, and the Basset, Tiger. The BISwinner, Libby was 2012’s Number Two Herding Dog and already has three BIS ineight final appearances this year. That’spretty impressive for a breed that often gets overlooked…literally.
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