While we were busily attempting to update our statistics,the show week has been awash with new BIS winners. The week started on Wednesday in Wildwood NJwith the Union County Kennel Club show.
TerryDepietro was the first to choose a top two. Her options were the Weimaraner, GCH CH Doc n’ Camelot’s Heaven CanWait, the Bloodhound, GCH CH Flessner’s International S’cess, the Great Dane, GCHCH Longo Miller N Lore's Diamond Lil, the Kerry Blue Terrier, GCH CH Class Actof Hallsblu, the Toy Poodle, GCH CH Smash Jp Sakura, the Miniature Poodle, GCHCH Surrey Sugar Baby, and the German Shepherd Dog, GCH CH Pine Hill's Payday OfHayshill.
She chose the Ying and Yang as her BIS and RBIS, the whiteToy Poodle, Sakura, and the black Great Dane, Scout. It’s the first of the year for Sakura andhandler Kaz Hosaka, who finished 2012 with two BIS and 21 Toy Groups.

On Thursday The Sandand Sea Kennel Club would take over the hall for two days, first putting judgeNancy Simmons in the final ring with the same Weimaraner, Dane, & MinniePoodle, the American Foxhound, GCH CH Kiarry’s Pandora’s Box, the ScottishTerrier, CH Inverquest Surely Why Not, the Pug, GCH CH Hill Country’s Tag I’mIt, and the Australian Shepherd, GCH CH Stone Ridge Just Surprise Me.

This time it was the Dane, Scout, with the big rosette, and Kaz Hosaka’s Miniature Poodle, Sugar Baby, with the Reserve ribbon. It’s the second BIS this year for ourDog2Watch, Scout. Scout and handlerLaura Coomes also have five Working Groups this month in three differentregions.

The SSKC’s day two final was in the hands of LindaRobey. The seven dogs she assembled werethe Vizsla, GCH CH Regal Point Pinnacle Of Kilauea JH, the previously mentionedFoxhound & Dane, the Airedale Terrier, GCH CH Joval’s Angel’s Whisper, thePomeranian, GCH CH Malashel’s McDreamy RN, the Dalmatian, GCH CH Riverside’sThe Sisters, and the Belgian, Tervuren, GCH CH Mishaook Lulu At Chateau BlancHSCs.
Taking the Reserve spot was the Foxhound, Jewel, while thepoints went to the BIS winner, the Tervuren, Lulu. Lulu was the 2011 BISS at the AmericanBelgian Tervuren, BOB at the 2011 AKC/Eukanuba National Championship, BOB Atthe 2012 Westminster Kennel Club show, all owner handled by Darlene Laurin. It is Lulu’s first all breed Best InShow this year. Congratulations to Darlene, breederLawrence Standbridge, and owner Janina Laurin.

At Saturday’s Boardwalk Kennel Club of Cape May County, BIS judgeNathaniel Horn greeted the now familiar Foxhound, Scottie, Pug, & Tervuren,the Irish Water Spaniel, GCH CH Whistlestop’s Riley on fire, the Boxer, GCH CHLazy K’s Dulce de Leche, and the Xoloitzcuintli, GCH CH Bayshore’s Giorio Armani. \Taking it to the top was the Foxhound, Jewel,with the Tervuren, Lulu collecting the Reserve. 2012’s Number One Hound brings a head of steam into Westminster with sixBIS in 2013.
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