The Colorado Kennel Club had thelast two days of the Rocky Mountain Cluster in Denver CO. On Sunday Karen Wilson gathered the GoldenRetriever, CH Forever's Quest For Atlantis, the Basset Hound, GCH CH Topsfield-SanchuEenie Meenie Miney Moe, the Greater Swiss Mountain Dog, GCH CH Calypso V AlexRaven Moon, the Wire Fox Terrier, GCH CH AfterAll Painting the Sky, theCavalier King Charles Spaniel, GCH CH Miletree Northern Star at Shirmont, theBulldog, GCH CH Mytoys Epic Against The Wind, and the Cardigan Welsh Corgi, GCHCH Aubrey’s Tails of Mystery.

Her BIS was the country’s Number OneDog All Breeds, the Wire Fox, Sky. HerRBIS was the Cardigan, Libby. It was thesixth BIS for Sky and handler Gabriel Rangel. They continue their domination of the Terrier Group with their 22stGroup One in 23 appearances.

Sky was the only one of Sunday’sfinalists to make it back to the final ring on Monday to see BIS judge Mary AnnAlston. Joining them were the ClumberSpaniel, GCH CH Clussexx Collaboration with Traddles, the Harrier, GCH CHDownhome Hitech Innovator, the Rottweiler, GCH CH Chancellor Flirt's HighFlyin' Gladiator, the Affenpinscher, GCH CH Tamarin Tarheel, the Chow Chow, GCHCH Dreamland's Wanna Be A Billionaire, and the Shetland Sheepdog, GCH CHGrandgables The Frat Boy.

It was the Sheltie, Brother, takinghome the last big rosette of the set. The Rottweiler, Pilot, copped the Reserve ribbon. That’s three BIS in seven final appearancefor Brother and handler Sarah Karger Krickeberger.
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