We don’t see too many dog shows in New Mexico which is apity as the land of enchantment is a terrific spot to visit. The Giant Schnauzer, GCH CH Skansen’sHarvard, made the most of the Hobbs New Mexico Kennel Club’s two shows in theirhometown this weekend, posting back2back BIS.

The day one final featured Harvard, the Labrador Retriever,GCH CH Briarwood’s Whisky on the Rock, the Basenji, GCH CH Ahmar NahrsHalleujah Makes a Joyful Noise, the Miniature Schnauzer, GCH CH Allaruth JustKidding v Sole Baye, the Chinese Crested, CH Ghostmar’s Dark Shadows, theFrench Bulldog, CH Euforia Tarrab, and Dr Donald Gill’s RBIS, the BorderCollie, CH Tang Dynasty Rocky.

On Sunday Barbara Dempsey Alderman preferred Harvard to abovenamed Basenji, Miniature Schnauzer, & Chinese Crested, her RBIS, theBrittany, GCH CH Rainbow Splash’sRuggedly Handsome, the Chinese Shar-Pei, GCH CH Vaje’s Jethrene Bodine, and theAustralian Shepherd, GCH CH Harmony Hills Money Talks.
It’s the first of the year for Harvard and owner/handlerGreg Reyna, who finished 2012 with two all breed BIS and nine WorkingGroups. Congratulations to Greg, breederSylvia Hammarstrom, and owner Judi Boston.
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