While the prestige and famous faces were gathered in Chicagothis week, the numbers were actually larger on the West Coast. The Silver Bay Kennel Club Of San Diego packedin nearly as many points in their two days as Chicago did in four. On Saturday the seven dogs hoping to take home the pointsfrom a 1700 dog entry were the Golden Retriever, GCH CH Trance Mission JPCunard Adventure, the Borzoi, GCH CH Majenkir Bookstor Vintage Glamour, theRottweiler, GCH CH Chancellor Flirt's High Flyin' Gladiator, the Miniature BullTerrier, GCH CH Dytona VIP, the Pomeranian, GCH CH CR Chase What Matters, theBichon Frise, GCH CH PaRay Power & Privilege, and the Canaan Dog, GCH CH PleasantHill Magnum Of Samara.

Best went to the Rottweiler, Pilot, and Reserve went to theBichon, Dominick. Pilot and handler PerryPayson have been among the Top Ten Working Dogs for the last three years and pickedup a Group Four at the Westminster Kennel Club show earlier this month. This is the second BIS of the year for Pilot.
Pilot and Dominick were back on Sunday to plead their caseswith BIS judge David Bolus. Joining themwere the Clumber Spaniel, GCH CH Clussexx Collaboration with Traddles, theBloodhound, GCH CH Quiet Creek’s Kiss and Tell, the Miniature Schnauzer, GCH CHAllaruth Just Kidding V Sole Baye, the Pekingese, GCH CH Dunkirk’s ImagineThat, and the Australian Shepherd, CH Briarbrooks All Rights Reserved.

He went with the Bloodhound, Kissy, as his Best and theClumber, Seymour, as his Reserve. Kissynow has two BIS this year in five final appearances.
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