Our show week is in full swing with 21 shows in sixdifferent venues. Here in the Deep Southfanciers are in Hattiesburg MS for four days with the Greater HattiesburgKennel Club and the Meri-Miss Kennel Club. The GHKC was first up on Thursday and they asked Don Rogers to choosehis top two dogs. His options were theIrish Setter, Seafarer's Red Hot And Green, the 15” Beagle, CH K-Run's We CouldHave Had It All Around, the Boxer, GCH CH Winfall I Dream of Style, the SmoothFox Terrier, CH Sayo's Jai Ho, the Toy Poodle, GCH CH Donnchada Angel Wings AtDulcinea, the Standard Poodle, GCH CH Dawin Hearts on Fire, and the Shetland Sheepdog, GrandGables Jolie Victor Ludorum.
Best went to the Standard Poodle, Flame. Reserve was reserved for the Smooth Fox,Tessa. Flame did not make her 2012 debutuntil July when she copped three BIS in one weekend in Sedalia MO. By year’s end she had two more. Thursday’s win is her second in 11 finalappearances this year.
Flame & Tessa would return to the final ring on Fridayalong with the above named Irish Setter to plead their case with BIS judgeKathleen Grosso. Joining them were theWhippet, GCH CH Karasar Remberence, the Doberman Pinscher, O's Godiva DarkDemitasse, the Papillon, GCH CH Fenice Le Boudreaux, and the Shetland Sheepdog,GCH CH Grandgables The Frat Boy.
Judge Grosso would select the same two, giving Tessa the BISand Flame the RBIS. Tessa is now two forfour in the final ring. Are we seeing aTerrier trend here?
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