The Alexandria Kennel Club had the weekend portion of thefour day stop in that Louisiana town. You can read about the Baton Rouge Kennel Club’s two shows here andhere.
On Saturday BIS judge Randy Garren greeted the Weimaraner,GCH CH Win'Weim's It's My Grey Goose, the Smooth Dachshund, GCH CH BessdachElectric Martini, the Akita, GCH CH Stardust's See You At The Show, the BorderTerrier, GCH CH Meadowlake Simply Sinful, the Shih Tzu, GCH CH Lohona Zephyr ICan't Look Away, the Standard Poodle, GCH CH Dawin Hearts on Fire, and theAustralian Shepherd, GCH CH Harmony Hills Money Talks.

His top two were the Poodle, Flame, with the Reserve, andthe Border Terrier, Maya, with the Best In Show. Maya’s second BIS of the year brings herwithin two of the all time record for her breed.

On Sunday Maya, Flame, & the above named Weimaraner would return to see BIS judge Rodney Merry. They were joined by the Ibizan Hound, CH SerandidaEast So Bigstar, the Boxer, GCH CH Winfall I Dream of Style, the Papillon, GCHCH Involvo The King of Pop, and the Cardigan Welsh Corgi, GCH CH Aubrey’s Tailsof Mystery.
His BIS was the Boxer, Macey, and his RBIS was, once again,the Poodle, Flame. It’s the second BISof the new year for 2012’s Number Four Working Dog.
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