The Hendersonville Kennel Club had thecloser in Greenville SC on Sunday and they put Barbara Pepper in the final ringwith the Pointer, CH Solivia's Like Fine Wine At Hipoint, the AmericanFoxhound, GCH CH Kiarry’s Pandora’s Box, the Portuguese Water Dog, GCH CHClaircreek Impressions of Matisse, the Welsh Terrier, GCH CH Shaireab BayleighMaid of Honor, the Miniature Pinscher, GCH CH Marlex Classic Red Glare, theChow Chow, GCH CH Padow's Twilight Embrey In A New Moon At Asans, and theGerman Shepherd Dog, Woodsides Legacy.

Packing up the top two prizes werethe Foxhound, Jewel, and the Portie, Matisse. Jewel and Matisse, are fresh from their appearances at Tuesday night’sWestminster Kennel Club final. Nothinglike catching the Westminster Wave. Jewel is currently the Number One Foxhound, the Number One Hound, andthe Number Five Dog All Breeds with eight BIS in 12 final appearance thisyear. That’s a batting average any majorleaguer would covet.
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