The Wire Fox Terrier, GCHCH AfterAll Painting the Sky, continued his all out assault on the Top ThreeDogs All Breeds with his third consecutive BIS in Romulus NY. Today’s host was the Elmira Kennel Club andtoday’s BIS judge was Jim Reynolds. Judge Reynolds would choose as her RBIS the country’s Number Two Dog,the English Springer Spaniel, GCH CH Wynmoor Champagne Supernova.

Also inthe final mix were the Scottish Deerhound, GCH CCH Foxcliffe Enchanted Evening,the Akita, GCH CH Hikay’s Witch with Attitude, the Pekingese, GCH CH Yakee’sEasily Persuaded, the Schipperke, CH De Lamers Sea Ya At The Top, and theGerman Shepherd Dog, CH Signature's Philip Marlow V Kridler.
The Wire, Sky, started the weekend 9500points behind the Number Three Dog, the Doberman Pinscher, GCH CH Veni VidiVici. She is now less than 7000 pointsbehind. Can she catch the Doberman,FiFi, or even the Top Two? We will bethe first to tell you when the standings change.