Before we get into today’s reports let’s talkabout yesterday. Out on the Island (LongIsland, that is) the Lakeland Terrier, GCH CH Larkspur Save Me A Spot, wasmaking it BACK2BACK BIS at the Suffolk County Kennel Club’s second show in StJames NY. Joining Spot & handler RCCarusi in David Bolus’ final were the German Shorthaired Pointer, GCH CH Skypoint'sOur River Runs Free, the RBIS, the Whippet, GCH CH Sporting Field’s BahamaSands, the Boxer, GCH CH Draco Greets Dassin With Fourbears, the Blenheim &Prince Charles English Toy Spaniel, GCH CH Royalist Ready To Reign, the TibetanTerrier, GCH CH Salishan’s Special Angel, and the Border Collie, GCH CHSporting Fields Heiress.

The win brings Spot’s 2012 take to 16 BIS & 59 TerrierGroups. That’s a formidable record forSpot to take into next week’s Montgomery County Kennel Club all Terrier show.
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