While the north shore of Long Island inSuffolk County NY is some of the most exclusive real estate in the US, it isnot true that exhibitors had to get a blood test to show at the Flowerfield Fairgrounds in St James NY, thesite of today’s Suffolk County Kennel Club.

The seven dogs with the pedigreesto reach William deVillenueve’s final were the Flat-Coated Retriever, GCH CHBeachcliff’s Hello Mr. Sam, the Borzoi, DC Carousel’s High Five SC BN, theBoxer, GCH CH Draco Greets Dassin With Fourbears, the Lakeland Terrier, GCH CHLarkspur Acadia Save Me A Spot, the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, GCH CHPiccadil's Twist And Shout, the Tibetan Terrier, CH Salishan's My Special Angel,and the Border Collie, GCH CH Sporting Fields Heiress HSAS.
The Two that impressed her were the Reserve,the Boxer, and the Best In Show, the Lakeland, Spot. Spot, the US’ Number Three Terrier, has been one of the most consistent of hisgroup this year with 15 BIS and 58 Terrier Groups.
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