The Arapahoe Kennel Club asked WalterPinsker to handle the final at their day two show in Aurora CO. The seven hoping to get one of the Top Twoawards were the Pointer, Solivia's Dexterity at Skyhi, the Greyhound, GCH CHShylo The Party Spot, the Mastiff, GCH CH Jadems Oliver Twist, the BedlingtonTerrier, GCH CH First Class Syrah D'Hermitage, the Maltese, GCH CH Scylla'sSmall Kraft Re-Lit, the Chow Chow, GCH CH Jidi The Great One at Rebelrun, andthe Shetland Sheepdog, GCH CH Larklain Cals Jazzman.
Thetwo he liked the best were his RBIS, the Greyhound, and his BIS, the Maltese,Hank. Hank and breeder/owner/handlerTara Martin Rowell now have 11 BIS this season, good enough to make him theNumber Three Toy Dog
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