Last weekend the AmericanStaffordshire Terrier, GCH CH Alpine’s Ring of Fire, became the fourth AmStaff in breed history to win BACK2BACK BIS. It happened at the Gig Harbor Kennel Club’stwo shows in Shelton WA.

On Saturday Phoenix andbreeder/owner/handler Ed Thomason were challenged for the win by theWeimaraner, GCH CH Diamond MK The Eagle Has Landed, the RBIS, the RhodesianRidgeback, CH Raquel Welch Of Malabo APD, the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel,GCH CH Full Of Malarkey Miles Of Aisles, the RBIS, the Schipperke, GCH CH BonchienProdigal Son, and the Belgian Tervuren, GCH CH Sky Acres Flying Solo.
Sunday, Phoenix was Colin Hamilton’s choice forBIS and the above named Schipperke washis RBIS. Rounding out the final werethe previously seen Weimaraner and the Rhodesian, the Mastiff, CH Rainy DaysEight Second Ride, the Italian Greyhound, CH Jo-Na-Da's-Salswift Liza Minnelli,and the Belgian Sheepdog, GCH CH Sanderle Kindred R.
Phoenix is the Number Two AmericanStaffordshire Terrier, behind his littermate, GCH CH Alpine’s Highwayman, whois the only AmStaff in history to win multiple BACK2BACK BIS. Three of Phoenix’ six career BIS have comethis year.
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