Two more of our Top Ten were in the Heartland pickingup the top awards at yesterday’s Kennel Club of Columbus Indiana show. The Number Ten Dog, GCH CH Jaset’sSatisfaction, collected the Best In Show and the Number Three Dog, the DobermanPinscher, GCH CH Protocol’s Veni Vidi Vici, took home the Reserve.

BIS judge Marjorie Underwood might have chosenthe English Setter, GCH CH Stargazr’n Wingfield Time Will Tell, the Saluki, GCHCH Karob Sappho of Corjalin, the Wire Fox Terrier, GCH CH Gordon’s Bite of theApple, the Pomeranian, GCH CH Char’s Secret Obsession, or the Belgian Tervuren, GCH CH Stonewall’s Let’s Make It A Double, but she didn’t.
The Poodle, London, now has his 28thBIS of the year and a 2000 point lead over the Number Eleven Dog.
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