The Number Four Dog AllBreeds, the Wire Fox Terrier, GCH CH AfterAll Painting the Sky, scored the BACK2BACK BIS today in Romulus NYovershadowing the head to head match up of the nation’s Number One & NumberTwo’s Dogs. Number One & Two, the GermanWirehaired Pointer, GCH CH Mt View’s Ripsnorter Silver Charm, and the EnglishSpringer Spaniel, GCH CH Wynmoor Champagne Supernova, met today in Jim Reynolds’Sporting Group at the Finger Lakes Kennel Club show and finished one/two.
The GWP,Oakley moved forward to Ruth Zimmerman’s final to watch the Wire, Sky, pick upthe BIS and the Pekingese, GCH CH Yakee’s Easily Persuaded, get the RBIS. Joining the fun were the Scottish Deerhound,CH Foxcliffe Enchanted Evening, the Bullmastiff, GCH CH Windovers Hey ThereHandsome, the Dalmatian, GCH CH Spotlight’s Ruffian, and the Border Collie, GCHCH Bon-Clyde Take One. Sky and handlerGabriel Rangel have strung together 24 of the biggest BIS to climb into the TopFive Dogs All Breeds. We wouldn’t countthis one out just yet.
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