The KanadasagaKennel Club opened the four day set in New York’s wine country. Dorothy Macdonald’s powerhouse seven were theEnglish Springer Spaniel, GCH CH Wynmoor Champagne Supernova, the AmericanFoxhound, GCH CH Kiarry’s Pandora’s Box, the Akita, GCH CH Hikay's Witch WithAttitude, the Wire Fox Terrier, GCH CH AfterAll Painting the Sky, the CavalierKing Charles Spaniel, Burbrook Storm Chaser, the Dalmatian, GCH CH Spotlight’sRuffian, and the Border Collie, GCH CH Bon-Clyde’s Take One.

The two takinghome the top prizes were the Foxhound, Jewel, who took the Reserve, and theWire, Sky, who grabbed the Best In Show. Sky is AKC’s Number One Terrierand Number Four Dog All Breeds with 24 BIS and 65 Terrier Groups. The fun in Romulus NY continues tomorrow withthe Finger Lakes Kennel Club.
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