Our Number One Dog All Breeds, the EnglishSpringer Spaniel, GCH CH Wynmoor Champagne Supernova, spent the weekend at thePurina Farms Complex in Gray Summit MO. You can read about Saturday’s Spirit Of The Heartland Kennel Club showhere.
Sunday’s host was the JeffersonCounty Kennel Club Of Missouri. Inaddition to the Springer, Peyton, Dr Roger Pritchard chose his Top two from theOtterhound, GCH CH Aberdeens Under The Influence, the Kuvasz, GCH CH Szumeria’sWildwood Silver Six Pence, the Kerry Blue Terrier, GCH CH Hallmark Jolei BellsWill Be Ringing, the Bulldog, CH Imperious Hamitup Vision, and the Old English Sheepdog,GCH CH Lambluv Gambolon Blue Thunder.

Thetop two prizes went to two of our Top Ten Dogs. The RBIS went to the Kuvasz, Tanner, while Peyton took home his 42ndBIS of the year, putting him in a virtual tie with the Number Two Dog. After we check our numbers we will tell youwho came out on top.
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