Cindy Meyer was in Plymouth WI Sunday toclose the set for the Sheboygan KennelClub. Her final seven were the GoldenRetriever, GCH CH Summits Emery It's In The Bag, the American Foxhound, GCH CHKelly Mt. Diamonds Are Forever, the Bullmastiff, GCH CH Newcastle's PicturesquePicasso, the Russell Terrier, GCH CH Goldsands Columbus, the Pug, GCH CH HillCountry’s Tag I’m It, the Bichon Frise, GCH CH Heights PDQ, and the RoughCollie, GCH CH Wyndlair Cherokee Vindication.

Packing up the Reserve ribbon wasthe Collie, Vinnie, while the only Russell Terrier to win a BIS, Bosse, wonanother, his third. Russell Terriershave only been in the show ring since June and Bosse has already won 12 TerrierGroups in that time. You’re gonna wantto see this one at Montgomery County.
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