From Millwood VA we hear thecountry’s Number One Hound, the American Foxhound, GCH CH Kiarry’s Pandora’sBox, has broken the breed record for career BIS set by her grandfather, CH Kiarry's Reflection of the Sun. Jewel’s 25 career BIS came at today’sWarrenton Kennel Club show courtesy of judge Elizabeth Muthard.
Jewel and breeder/owner/handler Lisa Millerdid it in style, besting two of the Top Five Dogs All Breeds, the Number ThreeDog, the Doberman Pinscher, GCH CH Protocol’s Veni Vidi Vici, and the NumberFive Dog, the Affenpinscher, GCH CH Banana Joe V Tani Kazari.

Also on hand to witness theoccasion were the Pointer, GCH CH Marjetta in the Limelight JH, the ScottishTerrier, GCH CH Lomondview Clementina, the RBIS, the Miniature Poodle, GCH CHSurrey Sugar Baby, and the Bearded Collie, CH Briarpatch Just One Look HT.
Jewel has been sitting in the Number ElevenAll Breed Spot of and on for several months. This win won’t get her in the Top Ten, but it will but her quite close. Our congratulations to Lisa, co-breeder HarryMiller, and owner Ellen Charles.
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