The Afghan Hound is the breed that got me hooked on dogshows. In 1968 I watched the AfghanHound, CH Dahnwood Gabriel, handled by Michele Leathers Billings, win BIS atthe Memphis Kennel Club show here in my hometown and I have been a dog show junkie ever since.
This past week more than 200 of the aristocratic dogs gathered in Atlanta for the 2012 National Specialty of the Afghan Hound Club of America. Helen Winski Stein had the Best of Breed judging andshe chose GCH CH Thaon’s Mowgli as her Best In Specialty Show. Her Best of Opposite Sex was CH Jakar An Affair Most Wicked, her WinnersDog was Regimes Thriller of Elmo and herWinners Bitch/Best of Winners was JamaWinsong Heavenly Delight.
It was an unprecedented fourth national title in a row forMowgli and breeder/owner/handler Jay Hafford. Mowgli is currently the nation’s Number One Afghan Hound and Number ThreeHound, all remarkable accomplishments done in limited showing, Congratulations to Jay, co-breeder/owner JamesBlanchard and owner Ann Sterner.
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