Robert Vandiver just wrapped things up at the TidewaterKennel Club Of Virginia opener in Virginia Beach VA. The seven dogs he saw were the Irish Setter,GCH CH Fyrethorn Pay It Forward, the Rhodesian Ridgeback, GCH CH Whirlaways IdaBelle's A Ringing, the Bernese Mountain Dog, GCH CH Tallpines Appletini RN, theSmooth Fox Terrier, CH Harewood Foxcove Gunpowder And Lead, the Pug, GCH CHCaper’s Sirius Endeavor, the Miniature Poodle, GCH CH Surrey Sugar Baby,and the Old English Sheepdog, GCH CHLambluv Gambolon Blue Thunder.
Taking the set’s first top awards were the RBIS, the IrishSetter, Murphy, and the BIS, the Rhodesian, Ida Belle. Thedog with South African roots and a Southern USA name now has three BIS and 20Hound Groups on the year.
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