Great Plains fanciers were treated to four shows in Omaha NElast week by the Nebraska Kennel Club & the Council Bluffs Kennel Club andone of our Top Ten made the most of the stop. The Standard Poodle, GCH CH Jaset’s Satisfaction, picked up three BISand one RBIS over the set.

The NKC started it off on Thursday and asked JaneForsyth to choose her top two from the Brittany, GCH CH Trio's Mr. Rocktober,the Afghan Hound, GCH CH Thaon’s Mowgli, the Kuvasz, GCH CH Szumeria’s WildwoodSilver Six Pence, the Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier, GCH CH Shandalee RocketScience, the Shih Tzu, GCH CH Symarun's Love T'Look, the Standard Poodle, London,and the Bearded Collie, GCH CH Daybar For Your Eyes Only. Going Reserve to London was the Shih Tzu,Looker.

On Friday Gene Blake would choose London and the AfghanHound, GCH CH Thaon’s Mowgli, as his Best and Reserve out of a seven thatincluded the Vizsla, GCH CH Nyircsaszari Sizlva Palinka JH, the Mastiff, GCH CHJadems Oliver Twist, the Staffordshire Bull Terrier, GCH CH Cumhill Hellraiser,the Maltese, GCH CH Scylla Small Kraft Re-Lit, and the Rough Collie, GCH CHWyndlair Cherokee Vindication.
Saturday Bob Smith would say ditto choosing London and Mowglias his Top Two while the aforementioned Vizsla, Kuvasz, StaffyBull, &Beardie, and the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, GCH CH Miletree Northern Starat Shirmont looked on. The three BISbrings to 37 the number of all breed bests for London through last weekend.

Sunday, the above named Maltese would return to grab thelast BIS of the set while London added the Reserve ribbon to his three bigrosettes. Also pleading their case withBIS judge Marjorie Tuff were the now familiar Vizsla, the Pharaoh Hound, CH OrisisCowboy Casanova, the Boxer, GCH CH Sapphires Violet Sky In Vegas Of Streamline,the Border Terrier, CH Standishs N Webe Believe It Or Not, and the AustralianCattle Dog, GCH CH Dawn Heir's He's The Boss!. Hank is AKC’s Number One Maltese and NumberFour Toy Dog with 12 BIS and 47 Toy Groups.
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