As we wrote this yesterday in our Back Story column over onBest In Show Daily, our Number Ten Dogand Number Nine Dog All Breeds both posted multiple BIS this weekend. Read about the American Foxhound’s, GCH CHKiarry’s Pandora’s Box, three-peat here.
The Number Nine Dog, the Boxer, GCH CH R and G’s MysticalDancer, was in San Angelo TX this weekend picking up the BACK2BACK BIS at theConcho Kennel Club’s two shows. OnSaturday Christina Hubbell chose Danny out of her final group that included theChesapeake Bay Retriever, CH Chesabar's Anyone Anyone, her RBIS, the Harrier,GCH CH Downhome Hitech Innovator, the Colored Bull Terrier, GCH CH Glentom'sYou Were Mint For Me, the Maltese, GCH CH Chrisman's Shiny Toy Gun, the TibetanTerrier, Kimik's Sir Gawain, and the Shetland Sheepdog, GCH CH KarouselKartwheels.

Sunday Stephen Hubbell would follow suit, choosing Danny andthe Harrier as his top two from a group that included the English SpringerSpaniel, CH Telltale Goldleaf Bogart, the Staffordshire Bull Terrier, CHChallenger's Honky Tonk Man, the above named Maltese & Tibetan Terrier, andthe Australian Shepherd, GCH CH Harmony Hills Money Talks.
Danny’s 22nd & 23rd BIS of theyear leaves him in a virtual tie for Number Nine Dog All Breeds. We will wait for the final numbers before wemake a call.
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