The Del-Ootse-Nango Kennel Club, the Chenango Valley KennelClub, & the Central New York Kennel Club chose Syracuse NY as the site fortheir three show cluster last weekend. TheDKC had day one and Chuck Winslow had the first final. Hoping to pick up one of the top prizes werethe Irish Water Spaniel, GCH CH Whistlestop’s Riley on Fire, the Harrier, GCHCH Downhome Hitech Innovator, the Boxer, GCH CH Draco Greets Dassin WithFourbears, the Lakeland Terrier, GCH CH Larkspur Acadia Save Me A Spot, the ToyPoodle, GCH CH Smash Jp Sakura, the Chinese Shar-Pei, Tzo Wens Sweet Baby Jane, and the German Shepherd Dog,GCH CH Pine Hill's Payday of Hayshill.

Day one’s Top Two were the Boxer, Margee, and the Harrier,Chet. It was the fourth BIS this year inlimited showing for Margee and handler Kimberly Pastella-Calvacca
The Harrier, Chet, would own the next two days taking boththe big rosettes at the CVKC & the CNYKC. At Saturday’s CVKC BIS judge Alberto Berrios would like Chet more thanthe returning IWS, the Doberman Pinscher, GCH CH Holly Woods Cat Woman, theabove named Lakeland, the RBIS, the Pekingese,GCH CH Yakee Easily Persuaded, the Miniature Poodle, GCH CH Surrey Sugar Baby, orthe Puli, GCH CH Fuzzy Farm Twist and Shout.
Sunday Terry Berrios would choose the same two out of aseven that included the previously seen IWS, Doberman, Lakeland, the MiniaturePoodle, and Puli. Chet and handler SuzyOlivera finish a five show, three state, two time zones week with three BIS andtwo RBIS. The Number Two Hound now has21 BIS and leads the Hound Group with a remarkable 90 Group Ones.
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