We love our small “boutique” shows here in the south, wherethere is time to visit with friends and finish Best In Show at a reasonablehour. However, that does not mean thatwe don’t expect major competition to show up.

At today’s Brandon Kennel Club of Mississippi in Forest MSjudge Audrey Lycan chose her top twofrom the Golden Retriever, GCH CH Summits Sonny Side Up, the Petit BassetGriffon Vendeen, GCH CH Soletrader Maggie May At M & M, the Great Dane, GCHCH Longo Miller N Lore Diamond Lil, the Wire Fox Terrier, GCH CH Fox Creek JPIsn’t She Lovely, the Havanese, GCH CH Yup’s Malibu Dream, the Standard Poodle,GCH CH Dacun Kaylens He’s A Heartbreaker, and the Australian Shepherd, GCH CH HearthsideLeave A Message.
Finishing one/two were our DOG2WATCH, the Great Dane, Scout,and the Standard Poodle, Thomas. Scouthas been making her presence known lately with three BIS in the last twoweekends for a total of twelve in 2012.
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