We are taking a break from the kitchen to watch the NBCbroadcast of the National Dog Show, the Kennel Club of Philadelphia’s Saturday,November 17th show, the third show of the four show cluster hostedby the KCP, the Penn Treaty Kennel Club, & the Greater Philadelphia DogFanciers Association.

The cluster started on Thursday with the PTKC who ended theday with Evie Sullivan in the final ring with the English Setter, CH Set'R RidgeBrasswinds Blueprint, the Harrier, GCH CH Downhome Hitech Innovator, the Akita,GCH CH CR-Wica’s Trade Secret, the Wire Fox Terrier, GCH CH AfterAll Paintingthe Sky, the Affenpinscher, GCH CH Banana Joe V Tani Kazari, theXoloitzcuintli, GCH CH Bayshore Giorgio Armani, and the Bearded Collie, GCH CHDunhill Inspired Roxanne for Stuart.
Taking the first RBIS & BIS of the set were the Xolo,Armani, and the Harrier, Chet. That’s the 19ththis year for the country’s Number Two Hound.

Only the English Setter, would make it back to see BIS judgeBen Hlfrich at Friday’s GPDFA Show. The six new hopefuls were the Borzoi,GCH CH Aashtoria Wildhunt 4 Your I's OnlyRN, the Boxer, GCH CH Jacquet's Laredo El Encanto, the Scottish Terrier, GCH CHLomondview Clementina, the Papillon, GCH CH Involo The King Of Pop, the TibetanSpaniel, GCH CH Kan Sing's Tenzin, the Australian Shepherd, GCH CH CollinswoodOne In A Million NA NAJ.

Day two’s Reserve award went to the Papillon, while theScottie, Phoebe, would scamper off with the Best In Show. The country’s Number Two Terrier now has tenBIS & 83Terrier Groups this year.

Everyone wore their television broadcast worthy outfits onSaturday in hopes that they might get a cameo during the Thanksgivingbroadcast in Vicki Abbbot's final. The seven dogs that got themost air time were the Field Spaniel, GCH CH Sandscape Pardon Me Boys, the AmericanFoxhound, GCH CH Kiarry’s Pandora’s Box, the Great Dane, GCH CH Lobato’s JitterbugMan, the previously seen Wire Fox, Affenpinscher, & Tibetan Spaniel, andthe Bearded Collie, GCH CH Dunhill Celebration.
Getting some extra TV time was the Affenpinscher, Joey, whilethe Wire Fox, Sky, got the spotlight and the Best In Show. Sky is the country’s Number One Terrier andhas many of the country’s marquee titles among her 33 BIS awards this year.

At Sunday’s KCP closer Sky and Joe would again take the top awards. Except this time Joey would collect the BISand Sky would get the RBIS. Also askingfor Dr Alvin Krause’s consideration were the now familiar English Setter, AmericanFoxhound, & Tibetan Spaniel, the Rottweiler, CH Nighthawk's Livin' La VidaLoca, and the Rough Collie, GCH CH Devinwood’s A Perfect Stranger.
Joey is AKC’s Number One Toy Dog with 36 BIS and an amazing115 Toy Groups.
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