Our final report from last weekend comes in from BrooksvilleFL and the Hernando County Kennel Club. The weekend’s two all breed shows were preceded by two days of specialtiesand two all Terrier limited breed shows. Nonetheless, the weekend belonged to the German Wirehaired Pointer, GCHCH Reece Afterhours The Buck Stops Here JH, who headed for home with both ofthe all breed rosettes.
On Saturday Arley Hussin liked Truman more than he did hisRBIS, the Shetland Sheepdog, GCH CH Sunburst One Cool Dude, whom he liked morethan the Afghan Hound, GCH CH Criston’sEnchanted, the Doberman Pinscher, GCH CH Cambria’s Mint Condition, the KerryBlue Terrier, GCH CH Keystone's Doctor Blue, the Havanese, GCH CH Yup's MalibuDream, or the Standard Poodle, GCH CH Dacun Kaylen's He's A Heartbreaker.
Sunday Truman was Elaine Lessig’s BIS and the ChineseCrested, GCH CH Hampton Court's Party Time At Legend, was her RBIS. Rounding out her hopefuls were the Afghan Hound,GCH CH Elmo’s Martian Chronicles, the Siberian Husky, GCH CH Mileka's Belle Starr,the West Highland White Terrier, GCH CH MKCBonaparte, and the previously seen Standard Poodle & Sheltie.
Truman now has 12 BIS and 47 Sporting Groups in a year whenit’s tough to be a Sporting Dog.
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