One of the nice things about moving in the middle of the country is that we get to see dogs fromall over. This weekend in Joplin MO,the Tri-State Kennel Club drew several of our top ranked dogs. As we reported here, the nation’s Number TwoDog All Breeds, the English Springer Spaniel, GCH CH Wynmoor ChampagneSupernova, won Saturday’s BIS.

On Sunday, it was the country’s Number 19 Dog All Breeds,the Doberman Pinscher from New England, GCH CH D’s Remember When, who took homethe big rosette. Sonny Ambrosio alsolike the Norwich Terrier, GCH CH Skyscots Texas Hold’Em, who got the Reserveaward. Also asking for considerationwere the Golden Retriever, CH Dogwoods Bright Morning Star, the IrishWolfhound, Taryn Hickory Hollow, the King Charles & Ruby English ToySpaniel, GCH CH LTO’s Prosperity, the Chinese Shar-Pei, GCH CH Vaje’s JethreneBodine, and the Australian Shepherd, GCH CH McMatts Autumn Breeze.
The Doberman, Jackson, and handler Gwen DeMilta head homewith their 15th BIS of the year.
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