As the temperatures turn chilly, exhibitors start flockingto the Florida dog shows. This past weeksaw the Seminole Dog Fanciers Association and the Greater Ocala Dog Club teamup for four shows.

The seven dogs that made it to the SDFA’s day one final werethe Weimaraner, GCH CH Northwoods Send Money Honey, the Rhodesian Ridgeback,GCH CH Whirlaway's Ida Belle's A Ringing, the Doberman Pinscher, GCH CHCambria’s Mint Condition, the Skye Terrier, CH Of Skyeline Captain Hook, thePug, GCH CH Caper’s Sirius endeavor, the Standard Poodle, GCH CH Dacun Kaylen'sHe's A Heartbreaker, and the Australian Shepherd, GCH CH Equinox The Edge OfReason RE. Robert Vandiver’s BIS andRBIS were the Ridgeback, Ida Belle, and the Doberman, Vega. Ida Belle is the country’s Number OneRhodesian Ridgeback with four BIS and 22 Hound Groups this year.

Dr Wanda Spediacci had Friday’s final and her choice of theGerman Wirehaired Pointer, GCH CH Reece afterhours The Buck stops Here JH, theBluetick Coonhound, GCH CH Charwin Fairmont Sweet Society Blue Snuff, theDoberman Pinscher, GCH CH D’s Remember When, the aforementioned Skye Terrier,the Miniature Pinscher, GCH CH Marlex Classic Red Glare, the above namedStandard Poodle, and the German Shepherd Dog, GCH CH Babheim’s Captain Crunch. She gave the BIS to the GWP, Truman, and theRBIS to the Skye, Barrie.

Both Truman and Barrie would be back on Saturday to see BISjudge William de Villanueve along with the returning MinPin, the StandardPoodle, & GSD, the Harrier, CH Tallyho The Time of My Life, and the GreatDane, GCH CH Raintree Erinwood Dixie For Heavens Sake.

Picking up the biggest prize was the smallest dog, theMinPin, Classie, while the Reserve would got to the biggest dog, the Dane, Jordan. Classie is the nation’s Number One Miniature Pincher, Number Two ToyDog, and Number Six Dog All Breeds with 28 BIS and an outstanding 95 ToyGroups.
Dan Cline had the closer and the now familiar GWP,Ridgeback, Skye, Pug, & GSD, the Portuguese water Dog, GCH CH ClaircreekImpression De Matisse, and the Standard Poodle, Kaylen's Gulfbreeze LunarEclipse. Picking up the BIS & RBIS werethe GWP, Truman, and the Ridgeback, Ida Belle. The two BIS bring Truman’s 2012 resume to 14 BIS and 52 SportingGroups. Four of those BIS have comewithin the last two weekends.
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