Among the six sites hosting four show clusters this pastweek was Roseburg OR where the Umpqua Kennel Club & the Rogue Valley KennelClub each gave us two shows. The UKCclosed Thursday with Pat Trotter in the final ring with the English SpringerSpaniel, GCH CH Wynmoor Champagne Supernova, the Borzoi, Majenkir BookstorVintage Glamour, the Doberman Pinscher, GCH CH Caryola's Antigua, the MiniatureSchnauzer, GCH CH Allaruth Just Kidding V Sole Baye, the Cavalier King CharlesSpaniel, GCH CH Quail Garden Loch Lomond Déjà vu, the American Eskimo Dog, GCH CHSilveroaks First & Foremost, and the Cardigan Welsh Corgi, GCH CH Mariel’sHarvest Moon.
Her RBIS was the Borzoi, Glamour, and her BIS was thecountry’s Number Two Dog All Breeds, the Springer, Peyton.

Peyton would take the big rosette, board a plane, and headfor North Carolina while the Parti-Color Cocker, GCH CH My-Ida-Ho Jems Captain,the Borzoi, Glamour, the Standard Schnauzer, GCH CH Charisma Maxim Von Diable,the above named Miniature Schnauzer, Justin, the Pomeranian, CH CR DreamweaversRoyal Affair, the Bulldog, Rugby’s Pinto Bean, and the Bouvier des Flandres,GCH CH Hatch Tillie de la Salsa.

Finishing one/two were the Standard Schnauzer, Max, and theBouvier, Hatch. DOG2WATCH Max takes 11BIS into the last month of the season.

The rest of the set would belong to the 13” Beagle, GCH CH Bougain'eNaughty-N-Lovely Alvin. On Saturday FayeStrauss chose Alvin and her RBIS, the Boxer, CH Raintrees The Recruit, out of agroup that included the previously seen Miniature Schnauzer, Eskimo Dog, &Bouvier, and the Pekingese, GCH CH Dunkirk Imagine That, and the Brittany, GCHCH Mich's Mt Ready Aim Fire. On SundayDianne Besoff would follow suit choosing Alvin and the Boxer, Danny, as her BIS& RBIS. Also on hand were the FieldSpaniel, GCH CH Promenade's Pay It Forward, and the now familiar MiniatureSchnauzer, Peke, Eskie, & Bouvier.
Alvin and handler Bobby Ott now have three BIS in nine final appearances this year.
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