Most exhibitors can go all year and not see a Finnish Spitzor a Parsons Russell Terrier win a BIS, but that’s what happened at theSouthern Oregon Kennel Club’s two shows in Central OR this weekend. Read our story on the Spitz’ win on Saturdayhere.
Sunday the Parsons, GCH CH Snow Winds Masked Bandit,scampered away with the BIS while the Wirehaired Pointing Griffon, GCH CHWyncliff's Wanna Be Loved By U, the RBIS, the 15” Beagle, CH Foxtail's SweetDream, the German Pinscher, GCH CHOakwood V Kaitlers Revival, the Havanese, CH Askin Bidin' My Time, theKeeshond, Cascadia Playing Charades at Shamrock, and the Cardigan Welsh Corgi,GCH CH Mariel's Harvest Moon, watched.
It’s the first BIS for Zorro and handlers Luke Baggenstos & Shea Skinner and thefirst for a Parsons this year. Congratulations to Luke, Shea, breeder/owner Mary Strom-Bernard, and onCheryl Bergerson.
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