When we were in Kalamazoo MI back in May we were veryimpressed with how five separate clubs pulled together to put a cluster thatwas a success on every level. Four ofthose clubs are back at it this week. The Pontiac Kennel Club had the opener on Thursday and they put JamesFredericksen in the final ring.

The seven he saw were the German Wirehaired Pointer, GCH CHMt View’s Ripsnorter Silver Charm, the Harrier, GCH CH Downhome HitechInnovator, the Doberman Pinscher, GCH CH Protocol’s Veni Vidi Vici, the RussellTerrier, GCH CH Goldsands Columbus, the Pug, GCH CH Hill Country’s Tag I’m It,the Bulldog, GCH CH Evergreen's Miss Congeniality, and the Old English Sheepdog.GCH CH Lambluv Gambolon Blue Thunder.
His Reserve and Best In Show went to Two of our Top FiveDogs, the Number One Dog All Breeds, the GWP, Oakley, and the Number Three Dog,the Doberman, FiFi. It was FiFi’s andbreeder/owner/handler Jocelyn Mullins’ 42nd BIS this year.
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